Today's challenge is keeping my shaker bottle near me.  Whether it's Advocare: Rehydrate, Spark, Meal Replacement Shakes, Muscle Gain, or good old water, this thing is invaluable!

7 Hrs sleep in truck

6:15AM Spark
6:45AM AdvoCare Breakfast Bar,
7:30AM 6" tuna sub leftover from last night
10:15 MNS Max 3 pack 1
10:45AM Chicken sausage (sundried tomato basil), rice chips/hummus,
banana, MNS packs 2&3
1:45PM MNS pack 4, Rehydrate
2:45PM rice cake/almond butter, banana/almond butter, chicken sausage
4:45PM Oat/protein bar
9:00PM 2 Chicken sausages, banana
9:30PM Rehydrate

I ran out of water today around 90 ounces or so and I barely had enough water to be hydrated properly before I hit the sleeper bunk.  Dang!
Monday's challenge is the start of a VERY long day followed by a repeat tomorrow.  Plan plan plan!  No such thing as too busy to plan.  I had 30 minutes to spare between loads today so I go to stop in at home for a hot meal.  My favorite Sun dried and Basil Chicken sausages (brats)

6.5 Hrs sleep last night

3:00AM MNS Max 3 pack 1, Spark
3:30AM Oatmeal (3/4cup dry, AdvoCare Muscle Gain Protein, cranberries
and almond/coconut milk)
7:00AM Soy crisps (Full Circle brand- ranch)
9:00AM oat/protein bar
12:00PM Rehydrate
12:15PM MNS pack 2
1:00PM banana/almond butter, rice cake/almond butter, MNS packs 3&4
3:30PM Spark
4:45PM oat/pro bar
7:30PM Rehydrate (it's HOT again)
8:30PM Subway 6"tuna, lettuce, jalapeños, black olives, tomatoes
11:00PM Sleepworks

Plenty water again today right at a gallon.  I bring a gallon jug to make sure I am actually drinking as much as I think.
Today's challenge was keeping my cool when I met Roddy Chong.  If you don't know him, he play's the fiddle (violin) and is known as one of the world's best violinists.  He has played for Shania Twain, Celine Dion and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra to name a few.  What an honor to hear his story as he tells of his journey to his achievements!

9Hrs of sleep

7:45AM MNS Max 3 pack 1, Spark
8:15PM P28 protein bread and reduced sugar jelly, MNS packs 2&3
11:45AM MNS pack 4
12:00PM Hamburger/rice/tomato sauce/mushrooms leftover, pineapple slices
1:30PM Spark
3:30PM Rehydrate
5:15PM 2 BLT's without the lettuce (4 slices Ezekiel bread, turkey bacon, tomato's, Walden Farms chipotle mayo)
6:30PM 1 Cup cherries

Today I am short a bit on water, but will catch up here before bed time!  Good night folks, it's 3AM alarm clock tomorrow morning.
Today's challenge was to relax and visit Becca in Sioux Falls.  We had a great time at Jazz Fest! 

PS- This bread is awesome!  If you don't have it in stores around you, it's worth ordering a bunch of it.  I had to use my 10% slack today on the buttered corn

9Hrs sleep last night

8:45AM MNS pack 1, Spark
9:30AM Waffles (banana, flax, coconut oil, almond milk, Muscle Gain
Protein, eggs)
12:30PM Chicken breast and risotto flavored rice (Lundberg brand)
4:45PM Sweet corn
5:30PM Beef brisket sandwich, kettle corn
9:00PM 93% ground beef, tomato sauce, mushrooms, brown rice (just like spaghetti)

One gallon of water today and a good time at Jazzfest in Sioux Falls!
The challenge today was my last day of the week on the road for 13 hours.  A short day actually by comparison.  The flat tire on the semi truck certainly complicated things, but the nutrition was planned and successful!

7 Hrs sleep last night

 5:15AM MNS Max 3 pack 1, Spark
6:00AM Breakfast skillet (eggs, brown rice, peppers, mushrooms, turkey bacon, spices, onion), MNS packs 2&3
8:45AM oat/protein bar, (home made)
11:00AM 2 apple/chicken sausages
10:00AM Spark
1:15PM MNS pack 4
1:45PM Spark
2:15PM Oat/protein bar and 1 chicken/apple sausage
4:15PM Oatmeal/protein bar
8:30PM Meal Replacement Shake
9:00PM Slam (riding my cycle to Sioux Falls to see about a girl ;)
11:00PM Turkey chili and P28 protein bread ( specialty stuff, ask me
if you want info)

I was short on water today.  Probably around 100oz, but according to the barometer (urine color like apple juice) I was a bit behind.

The challenge today is my last day on the road before I get to go home tonight and do laundry, water my new tomatoes and stock up on more food for tomorrow!  I was all out of supplies and it was nice to fire up the grill today!  Here is a night time snack idea for you all.  It's tasty!

6 Hrs sleep in the truck

10:00AM Veggie omelette with turkey, sliced tomatoes, whole wheat toast
12:00PM 1 cup cherries, 4oz shaved turkey
2:00PM Spark
2:30PM Odwalla protein bar
5:15PM 2 apple cinnamon rice cakes with almond butter,  4oz shaved turkey
8:00PM MNS Max3 before meal packs (finally home from running out of the road)
8:30PM 2 Grilled apple/chicken sausages with cucumbers and Walden Farms Ranch Dip and MNS with meal packs 3&4

Wow, it's nice to be home!  I got a gallon of water again today and leave tomorrow for one more day trip before I'm home for a couple days.   the calories look low for the past couple days, but I assure you the omelets were large and the oatmeal/protein bars a What a busy week! 

Even truck stops can be relatively healthy: Omelet with green peppers, tomato, onion, turkey and some fruit on the side. I also had part of a pancake as well, but opted to keep that to a minimum. Smart decision too ;)
Today's challenge is yet another day away from being home and the constant threat of not being prepared for eating and drinking water in 106 degree heat!  However, I was prepared and did well again.  Whew!

9 hours sleep in the truck

9:30AM Spark
10:00AM Meal Replacement Shake and banana
11:00AM 1 cup cherries
1:30PM 4oz shaved turkey, 3 HB egg whites with hummus, 2 rice cakes
with almond butter
2:30PM Rehydrate
3:15PM Fruit and Fiber Bar
4:30PM Rehydrate
5:00PM 6oz shaved turkey, 1 cup cherries
9:45PM Oatmeal/protein bar
11:00PM 3 HB eggs and hummus
1:30AM Banana and almond butters

Another day another struggle to stay on track!  Another win is in the books as far as I am concerned.  Bloggin this stuff makes me eat better!  Water was around a gallon again, however it was hardly enough for the heat today.
No bake oatmeal, coconut, almond butter, cranberry, cinnamon, AdvoCare Muscle gain Protein, and brown rice syrup... YUM!
I was challenged with an unplanned night of sleep in the truck and was caught without my MNS and only one day supply of food.  I hit up a small town grocery store to stock up as much as I can.

5:30AM-8:30AM sleep in truck
(obviously not enough!)

8:15AM Spark
9:00AM Meal Replacement Shake, and a bar shown above
10:45AM Spark
11:30AM 2 Apple Cinnamon Rice cakes with almond butter
4:00PM Meal Replacement, bar
5:00PM Spark
6:45PM 6" subway sandwich (grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, green pepper, black olives, easy on the southwest sauce)
11:00PM Turkey omelette and 1 cup fruit

Water was about a gallon today and it's time for another night in the truck!
Another one of these kind of days!
7 hrs sleep last night

The challenge of today is another long day on the road. Today I'll be driving overnight which is super hard for me to do coming out of a few days away. Spark, Slam and some good audiobooks will keep me between the lines!

9:00AM MNS Max 3 pack 1, Spark
9:45AM Breakfast skillet,(rice, eggs, peppers, mushrooms, onion, turkey bacon, spices), MNS pack 2&3
12:30PM Rehydrate
1:00PM Soy and Flax chips with salsa
4:30PM Home made energy/protein bar (oatmeal, almond butter, coconut, cranberries, brown rice syrup, cinnamon, AdvoCare Muscle Gain Protein Powder)
10:00PM Soy crisps (Full Circle brand, Ranch flavor)
11:30PM Spark
1:00AM MNS pack 4, Slam (driving to Missouri)
1:30AM Energy/protein bar
4:00AM 3 hard boiled egg whites with hummus (spinach/artichoke)
4:30AM Rehydrate (time to unload pigs)
8:00AM Sleep

Meal spacing today is all over the place! This is certainly not "regular" kind of day.

To be continued...
The challenge of hotels and conferences continues for the rest of today and I cannot stress enough how handy these life savors are for breakfast!  These Meal Replacements are solid nutrition and this brand new flavor is awesome!

7Hours of sleep last night

6:15AM MNS Max 3 pack 1 and Spark
7:45AM Meal Replacement, banana and MNS pack 2
9:00AM Odwalla Protein Bar, MNS pack 2&3
10:30AM Banana
2:00PM MNS pack 4
2:15PM Beef brisket, fat trimmed pork ribs, green beans, cole slaw (my
last Texas meal then back to reality)
5:00PM Spark
8:30PM Turkey sandwich, lettuce, tomato and mustard
10:00PM Spark (2 hour drive home)
10:30PM 2 Apple cinnamon rice cakes with almond butter
1:00PM Sleepworks

I ended up with a headache today and I am positive it's from not enough water.  I played catch up the last few hours of the day to recover.  Tomorrow is another day to get it right!